AI Guest Imagining a future where AR, VR, and chatbots converge

Few emerging technologies generate as much buzz as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR),

and chatbots. Even so, it seems like these new technologies explode onto the public radar, then vanish as quickly as they arrive. Behind the scenes, though, companies and researchers are making ongoing breakthroughs in all three of these areas. And when AR and VR combine with AI-powered chatbots, magic happens.

A brief history of AR and VR

Augmented reality has been around for a few years, notably in games such as Pokémon Go. It didn’t really grab the public’s attention on a large scale until the last generation of iPhones was released, though. The iPhone 8, iPhone 8+, and iPhone X were all billed as having special chips designed to make AR a better experience. A few apps were showcased, a few hit the App Store, and it’s been mostly crickets since.

Virtual reality has been a science fiction staple for decades, with its origins traceable as far back as the 1950s. In recent years, it’s become a reality, with headsets available at major electronics stores. VR in the mainstream seemed to peak with Facebook’s purchase of Oculus and the release of Samsung’s Gear VR, but there are some exciting new headsets coming soon.

Chatbots are getting smarter

Virtual assistants are gaining in popularity as more businesses adopt them, especially in voice communication. Amazon, for example, opened up its voice-based chatbot tools to developers. Called Amazon Lex, these tools are part of the intense competition between Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft to gain a lead in the voice assistant space.

These accelerating technologies could help chatbots move beyond text-only functions to voice communication. Businesses could then more easily provide an automated phone system that can answer questions without needing to involve human representatives. This could be a more natural and convenient way to communicate with bots than typing in a chat interface.

When they come together…

Companies are realizing that these technologies are complementary. Facebook, in particular, is in a unique position to capitalize on the convergence of AR, VR, and chatbots. The company’s Messenger chatbot platform boasts over one billion users. Meanwhile, Facebook also owns Oculus, one of the biggest names in VR. As mentioned above, the Oculus headsets were some of the first to enter the public consciousness.

With these two platforms operating under the same roof, there’s a ton of potential for unique solutions. And since the Facebook Messenger chatbot platform is open to third parties, almost any company could get in on the action.

…Big things happen

Chatbots, AR, and VR have potential outside the traditional business setting. Airports around the world already use chatbots to provide customer service to passengers. Airports have also employed VR since 2011, starting with Copenhagen Airport’s smartphone app. It wouldn’t be a stretch for the two technologies to merge and enhance every traveler’s experience.

A mix of AR and chatbots has a lot of possibility in the retail space as well, especially if something like Google Glass ever takes off. Someone could walk into a store and have a digital overlay automatically pop up with a chatbot on hand to assist them. This could work with a smartphone, but the need to pull the phone out constantly is inconvenient. This inconvenience is part of the reason augmented reality never took off in airports. Wearable technology could help solve this problem.

Virtual reality and chatbots could also come together in the travel industry to provide interactive travel agency services. Customers could browse vacation destinations and hotels by visiting them through VR, with a chatbot available to answer questions and book trips. The same could happen with AR to a lesser degree.

Potential privacy concerns

These technologies involve the collection and use of data. Chatbots need to understand typing and speech patterns, AR requires location awareness, and VR could involve any of these factors. VR could also bring in fine levels of detail, like what an individual looks at during the experience. What will companies do with all this data? Will they violate user privacy in these situations?

It’s not so much a question of whether these concerns are valid — companies already collect a lot of data on users for targeted advertising. The question is how seriously these businesses will take privacy concerns.

While AR, VR, and chatbots are exciting technologies on their own, the possibilities opened up by merging them are really worth looking forward to. It’s still a little early to tell how they’ll work together, but this is definitely a space to watch over the next few years.

RaShea Drake is a digital journalist who writes for Glassdoor, Socialnomics, and Business2Community.

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Air travel technology predictions for 2018

The pace of technological change is accelerating.

Over the last few years the travel experience has become more efficient thanks to new technologies such as mobile internet, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, big-data, internet of things and biometrics. But we are only scratching the surface of their potential. Many more benefits are yet to be realized. In 2018 I predict that the following new technologies will continue to transform the passenger journey…

1. Biometric technology

A seamless and convenient experience through the airport terminal could soon be a reality thanks to biometric technology. IATA’s One ID project is rapidly moving travel towards a day when face, iris, or fingerprint recognition will provide the key to a seamless travel experience.
One ID works by creating a match between a unique biometric characteristic, a passenger’s passport and their flight booking. Once the match has been made passengers can then then proceed through the terminal checkpoints from the curb to the plane without having to show travel documents.
Although a number of African countries and airports are adopting biometric technology to capture passenger data for border control, ultimately we see the technology also being adopted to enhance passengers’ air travel experience. Further afield, Dubai Airport is pioneering the use of One ID facial recognition technology to improve passenger traffic flows through its terminals.

2. Airline New Distribution Capability (NDC) and ONE order

IATA’s New Distribution Capability will address a major challenge for air travelers, which is the gap between how an airline displays its products and services on its own website, versus what it can do in the systems used by most travel agents and online travel sites.
On their websites, airlines can display rich content, including product descriptions and graphics such as photos or videos. That’s because airline websites are powered by internet language (XML). But the systems distributing airline tickets through travel agents and online travel sites are largely based on pre-internet technology dating back to the 1970s. These are not capable of easily supporting the rich content that you find on websites.
NDC is closing this gap between airline websites and travel agent systems through the development of a modern, XML-based (internet language) data transmission standard for communications between airlines and travel agents. Consumers will benefit from greater transparency into an airline’s offerings and the ability to compare offerings between airlines, as well as to personalize their purchase to meet their particular travel, needs regardless of shopping channel.
ONE Order builds on the data communications advances made possible by the implementation of the New Distribution Capability. It will result in the gradual disappearance of multiple reservation records associated with a ticket, as well as the e-ticket itself, and any other documents for optional services you

may have purchased (a premium seat, lounge access, etc.)
This will be replaced by a single reference order, just like you get when you order a product (or multiple products) from an online retailer. As a result, travelers will no longer need to juggle between different reference numbers and documents when they travel. With a single reference number they will be easily recognized by all service providers.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already being embraced by industry to improve the passenger experience. Today 14% of airlines and 9% of airports use Chatbot’s with AI technology to communicate effectively with passengers. AI allows simple queries to be handled swiftly, freeing up customer service professionals to tackle more difficult issues effectively. And this is set to continue. Beyond Chatbots, AI technology has the potential to revolutionize the travel experience. Imagine having access to a 24-hour personal travel assistant who is able to predict your travel choices, knows your preferences and can create a personal experience for you. AI travel assistants are the future.

4. Blockchain

Few technological innovations have received as much interest in the past few years as Blockchain. Although this ingenious secure payment mechanism came to prominence through the recent trading surge in cryptocurrencies, it is unquestionably an invention with immense potential for widespread application and one that IATA believes offers benefits for passengers and airlines.
Few people realize that from the moment you search online for an air ticket to the time you arrive at your destination, the airline is just one of around 26 business partners involved in the aviation chain. Each member of that chain takes a profit margin. Blockchain payments are faster and more efficient, thus reducing costs for all the partners in the value chain. IATA has therefore begun looking at how a Blockchain payments system could work.
Apart from reducing the costs, which could benefit passengers other advantages include greater transaction speed, resilience, and protection from fraud, since the parties involved in the transaction are no longer relying on a single third party as an intermediary.

5. Remote sensing technology

Turbulence is the largest cause of injuries to passengers and crew. And for nervous passengers it’s a nightmare. Today, pilots use multiple sources of information to manage turbulence inflight, from weather radar and charts to information from other pilots and air traffic controllers. To reduce the risk of turbulence-related injuries, IATA is developing a turbulence sharing information platform containing real-time, aircraft-sensed turbulence reports in close collaboration with multiple global airlines and industry stakeholders.
Beyond that, aircraft manufacturers are exploring the use of new remote sensing technology to make turbulence avoidance even better. The new technology emits pulses of laser light from the plane’s nose, scattering small particles. Observing the reflected light in segments, the pulse provides measurement of the wind speed at increments all along the direction of the laser allowing turbulence to be avoided.


There can be no doubt that these new technologies will transform the passenger experience. But what can’t be guaranteed is the pace of change. Government regulation, resistance to change and cyber security challenges are issues that threaten the speed of development. But what we can be sure of, as we hover on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, is that the passenger journey of the future will look very different from today.
*Muhammad Al Bakri is International Air Transport Association (IATA)’s regional vice-president for Africa and the Middle East.

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Vodafone to Protect the Skies with Trials of the World’s First IoT Drone Tracking and Safety Technology

Vodafone today announced the commencement of trials of the world’s first air traffic control drone .

tracking and safety technology. Vodafone’s pioneering approach uses innovative 4G Internet of Things (IoT) technology to protect aircraft from catastrophic accidents as well as prevent inadvertent or criminal drone incursions at sensitive locations such as airports, prisons and hospitals.
Commercial civilian drones are too small to be tracked by conventional radar. They present a serious risk to pilots worldwide, particularly in the immediate vicinity of airfields and airports. Drones are also used for criminal purposes such as drug smuggling and delivering contraband to prisoners. Additionally, security and intelligence services are increasingly concerned that terrorists could use drones adapted to carry small but lethal explosive payloads to attack locations targeted using GPS.
The risk to aircraft is growing at an exponential rate. Analysis from the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) project indicates that by 2050 drones will log more than 250 million flying hours per year over densely populated areas of the European Union, seven times the cumulative annual flying hours of conventional crewed aircraft.*
The Vodafone IoT drone tracking and safety technology trials support the objectives of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), with whom Vodafone has collaborated. EASA is currently developing new pan-European rules to regulate the operation of drones.**
The new technology developed by Vodafone also enhances the European Union’s potential to become the centre of global innovation in drone technology in line with the European Commission’s “U-space” vision for innovative and safe drone operations.
Pioneering technology
Vodafone has developed the world’s first Radio Positioning System (RPS) for drones. This uses a 4G modem and SIM embedded within each drone to enable:
real-time tracking of each drone (with up to 50 metre accuracy) by drone operators and authorised bodies such as air traffic control;
over-the-horizon/beyond line-of-sight control by the operator, greatly reducing the risk of accidental incursions when operators lose sight of their drones;
protective geofencing, with drones pre-programmed to land automatically or return to the operator when approaching predetermined exclusion zones (such as airports and prisons);
emergency remote control intervention to provide the authorities with the means of overriding a drone operator’s control to alter a drone’s flight path or force it to land;
SIM-based e-identification and owner registration.
4G mobile networks operate with long-established and proven security systems, including strong end-to-end encryption over-the-air from SIM to base station. RPS location data is significantly harder to hack or spoof than GPS location data, and the data connection used to control the drone offers the operator significant advantages over current drone radio control protocols including greater resilience and over-the-horizon real-time feedback.
The Vodafone RPS is combined with Artificial Intelligence algorithms – also developed by Vodafone – to enable very large numbers of drones to be tracked and controlled remotely. Vodafone has placed its RPS research and associated intellectual property in the public domain with no licensing fees for re-use in order to accelerate the pace of drone safety and geolocation innovation worldwide.
In a preliminary trial in late 2017 – the first of its kind in the world – Vodafone used its 4G network to control a 1.3 metre wingspan, 2 kilogram X-UAV drone. Throughout the preliminary trial – which took place over a 32-kilometre course around the town of Isla Mayor, near Sevilla in Spain – the drone transmitted a real-time HD video feed and flight data including speed, RPS location and GPS coordinates.
Further trials, which will be coordinated with the relevant authorities, are now scheduled in Spain and Germany through 2018 with the intention of making the Vodafone drone tracking and safety technology available for commercial use from 2019.
The technology behind RPS will also be utilised to boost the functionality of other IoT devices in future – from luggage tags to bicycles. RPS could support, or replace, GPS in some IoT devices, enabling better location tracking, particularly indoors, the creation of smaller devices and enhanced security.
Vodafone Group Chief Technology Officer Johan Wibergh, said: “This groundbreaking innovation by Vodafone will help to ensure the skies stay safe as drones become ubiquitous, everywhere.”
Deputy Director General of the European Commission Matthew Baldwin said: “The Commission supports all trials aimed at realising our U-space vision for safe commercial drone operations in the EU – there is a growing network of demonstrations and projects across the EU. We look forward to hearing the results of Vodafone’s work.”
Yves Morier, Principal Advisor to the Flight Standards Director, EASA, said: “We welcome Vodafone’s focus on developing new approaches to ensure safe and responsible drone use.”
*SESAR, 2106, European Drones Outlook Study “Unlocking the value for Europe” available at:
** EASA has established three risk-based categories of drone operation:
‘open’ (low-risk) operations (including consumer drones) do not require prior flight authorisation;
‘specific’ (medium-risk) operations include commercial drone use and, in most cases, require prior authorisation; and
‘certified’ (high-risk) operations require the drone to be certified, a licensed remote pilot and an operator approved by the competent authority. The ‘certified’ category would include very large drones used to transport heavy goods or passengers.
About Vodafone
Vodafone Group is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies and provides a range of services including voice, messaging, data and fixed communications. Vodafone Group has mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 49 more, and fixed broadband operations in 19 markets. As of 31 December 2017, Vodafone Group had 529.1 million mobile customers and 19.3 million fixed broadband customers, including India and all of the customers in Vodafone’s joint ventures and associates. For more information, please visit: www.vodaf

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Vodafone To Test Drone Tracking Technology

( – Vodafone (VOD.L, VOD) announced the commencement of trials of the world’s first air traffic control drone

tracking and safety technology which uses 4G Internet of Things (IoT) technology to protect aircraft from catastrophic accidents as well as prevent inadvertent or criminal drone incursions at sensitive locations. The Vodafone IoT drone tracking and safety technology trials support the objectives of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), with whom the company has collaborated.

Vodafone said the company’s Radio Positioning System (RPS) for drones uses a 4G modem and SIM embedded within each drone to enable real-time tracking (with up to 50 metre accuracy) by drone operators and authorised bodies such as air traffic control. The Vodafone RPS is combined with Artificial Intelligence algorithms – also developed by the company – to enable very large numbers of drones to be tracked and controlled remotely.

The company said, further trials, which will be coordinated with the relevant authorities, are now being scheduled in Spain and Germany through 2018 with the intention of making the Vodafone drone tracking and safety technology available for commercial use from 2019.

The company said the technology behind RPS will also be utilised to boost the functionality of other IoT devices in future – from luggage tags to bicycles.

Read the original article on RTTNews (

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WeChat Pay available at European airport retailers

WeChat Pay,

a popular mobile payment method among Chinese consumers, will be available in several European airport retail destinations, as part of the travel retail industry’s attempts to appeal to large visitor numbers from China.

Lagardère Travel Retail, which operates retail, foodservice, and duty-free premises at airports around the globe, has first launched the payment service in Terminal 1 of Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris.

Timed to coincide with Chinese New Year, a popular period for travel among Chinese consumers, shops operated by Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire – a joint-venture by Lagardère Travel Retail and French airport operator Groupe ADP – will be the first to accept WeChat Pay. It will be launched in additional airports in due course.

WeChat Pay is a smartphone-based payment service and has around 600 million active users. It is integrated into internet group Tencent’s WeChat app, which is the most popular social network in China with nearly one billion users.

To make a payment users scan QR codes generated within their WeChat mobile wallet stored on their smartphones.

Travel retail is often perceived to be behind the times in terms of digital transformation when compared with the wider retail sector, but there are a number of new services being rolled out. Lagardère Travel Retail is one of several airport shopping companies to launch click & collect, enabling passengers to order products online and pick them up as they travel through the terminal.

And as the travel industry looks to cater for international travellers in ways they are familiar with from their home countries, there is set to be further innovation in the space.

Last week, for example, tax-free shopping company Global Blue announced it has teamed up with Tencent at Madrid Airport to allow WeChat Pay users to receive their tax refund digitally. For the first time, consumers can receive instant tax refunds into their WeChat Pay Wallet, once their tax-free forms have been validated by customs officials.

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Total Airport Management Solution

Total Airport Management Solution

Delivering the next generation airport

With worldwide passenger traffic growing exponentially, how do airports manage capacity constraints and better handle potential disruptions? Next generation airports are getting ahead of issues before they become disruptions, with Leidos’ Total Airport Management (TAM) solution. Using real-time data from a variety of sources and applying innovative data management, planning and forecasting tools, airport operators and stakeholders are detecting, and even predicting, passenger needs hours in advance—and working together to deal with emerging situations before they become problems.

To find out more, please click the download below:

Flybe embraces digital transformation to create customer experience

Flybe embraces digital transformation to create customer experience, ancillary revenue and efficiency benefits.

As Flybe continues on its journey towards sustainable profitability – driven partly by a streamlining of its fleet and a reduction in capacity to protect the airline against the financial risks associated with over-expansion – a major digital transformation programme is ongoing. This will help ensure that the regional carrier is able to take full advantage of the opportunities presented by digital advancements.

During FTE’s recent visit to the Flybe HQ in Exeter, the airline’s Chief Information Officer, Peter Hauptvogel, explained that the wide-reaching digital investments will have significant impacts from customer experience, revenue generation and efficiency standpoints.

In late-2017, Flybe announced a partnership with Amadeus as part of its digital strategy, and Hauptvogel explained that this will help the airline create a “seamless customer and digital experience”. “You have to look at the end-to-end journey, wherever you have a contact with the customer,” he said. Regardless of which platform a flight is booked through – directly through the airline’s website, via a global distribution system (GDS), or a third-party website, for instance – Flybe aims to provide a consistent product and experience. “There are lots of opportunities to actually get in touch with an airline and all of those areas are now covered,” he stated.

Ancillary and auxiliary revenues

Plans are afoot to improve the Flybe app, with services such as offering real-time re-accommodation options during times of disruption in the pipeline. Of course, as well as delivering benefits to passengers, the airline itself stands to profit. “It (the digital transformation programme) will bring us benefits in respect of cost-savings, which is also very important, because whenever you do something that’s great for the customers it should also be great for the airline,” Hauptvogel said. “Also, it will give us up-sale opportunities that we do not have at the moment.”

When quizzed by FTE on how exactly the digital transformation will enable Flybe to increase revenues, Hauptvogel explained: “When we talk about ancillary revenues, we must also talk about auxiliaries. Ancillaries is about everything that is related to my own product, my own flight – pay for a seat and other pay-for services such as this. But we will also have the module for merchandising, and the auxiliaries we can offer include several services from partners including car rental, hotel, car parking, all of this other stuff.”

Offering these services will be seamlessly integrated into the customer’s digital journey, he suggested, from the point of booking a flight through to the airport experience.

Flybe’s digital vision

Leading a digital transformation programme is certainly not a straightforward task, but Hauptvogel has the benefit of past experience; he led a similar project at Thomas Cook Group Airlines before joining Flybe in February 2017. So, what’s the secret to bringing such a project to successful fruition? “The most important thing is that you have a vision,” he said. “You have to look where you are today as a snapshot, and you have to look at where you want to be with a realistic approach in three years. Then you have to develop your strategy on how to get there, because not everything that is technically possible will be feasible to implement due to resource or financial limitations.”

He also stressed the importance of making sure that staff members understand why things are changing. “It would be stupid to run too many big programmes at the same time because people can be a little bit reluctant to change,” he said. “If you’ve worked for 15 years in the same pattern and then I come along and tell you that you have to do it completely differently, you would ask for good reason as to why it should change. It means that you have to sell the people the benefits.”

Hauptvogel continued: “The technology part of the digital transformation is actually the easy part. That’s just about proper planning, project management, monitoring cost, efficiency and all that stuff. But you also have to ask yourself what you are doing it for. What is the enhancement for the people? What’s in it for you if I change your way of working with a new technology, what’s in it for the company in respect of efficiency saving, and also does it make my product or my processes better? You have to bring all that together, and then you have to focus on how to implement that while keeping to the key milestones, supported with change management.”

Flybe may be in the relatively early stages of its digital transformation programme but it has a clear vision in place and the man leading it is certainly well-equipped thanks to past experience. In the coming months, each of the benefits – from an improved customer experience to the creation of new revenue generation opportunities – will start to bear fruit and Flybe will be in a strong position to reap the rewards presented by the latest digital developments.

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Humanoid ‘Josie Pepper’ starts work at Munich Airport

Humanoid ‘Josie Pepper’ starts work at Munich Airport

Meet ‘Josie Pepper’, the new humanoid member of staff at Munich Airport’s Terminal 2.

She is 120 centimeters tall, acccording to her creators has “sparkling, round eyes and a pleasant voice”, and from today she will be on duty in T2 to help passengers on their journeys.

Whether it is directions to a gate or the location of a certain restaurant or shop, Josie Pepper is on hand to “promptly” answer your questions.

Munich Airport and German national flag carrier, Lufthansa, claim to be breaking new ground as it is the first-ever test of a humanoid robot equipped with artificial intelligence at a German airport.

They say: “For the next few weeks, Josie Pepper will welcome travellers to the non-public area of Terminal 2, which is jointly operated by Munich Airport and Lufthansa.

“In her initial deployment, Josie, who speaks English, will await passengers at the top of the ramp leading to the shuttle connecting the main terminal to the satellite building.

“This test phase will be used to show whether Josie Pepper is accepted by passengers.”

Josie Pepper’s ‘brain’ contains a high-performance processor with a WLAN internet access, explains Munich Airport.

“This creates a connection to a cloud service where speech is processed, interpreted and linked to the airport data,” says Munich Airport.

“What sets the system apart? When this robot type speaks, it does not just deliver pre-defined texts. With its ability to learn, it answers each question individually.

“Just like a ‘real’ brain, the system gets steadily better at combining questions with the relevant information to provide more precise replies.”

IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT) cloud-based, artificial intelligence technologies are behind Josie Pepper’s capabilities.

Pepper was developed by the French company SoftBank Robotics.

She was apparently given the name of Josie by airport and airline staff when she arrived at the airport.

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Icelandic airports join forces with BizTweet

Icelandic airports join forces with BizTweet to launch flight update service via social media.

Isavia, the national airport and air navigation service provider in Iceland, had teamed up with Cork based technology company, TIC, to use the new information service known as BizTweet, to allow passengers going through airports in Iceland to receive real-time updates via Facebook and Twitter at each step of their journey – from check-in to departure. “We want to give passengers the information they need instantly and through innovative means. BizTweet allows us to do so,” says Gudjon Helgason, communications officer at Isavia.

Travellers can sign up to the service through the Keflavik airport webpage, , or via their personal Facebook and Twitter accounts.

CEO Paul Brugger says “BizTweet´s proven airport technology is trusted by 60 airports across 4 continents to communicate directly with their passengers, enhancing the passenger experience by providing real-time information directly to their Wi-Fi/mobile device by the passengers social platform of choice. We are delighted to be helping arriving and departing passengers at Icelandic airports with automated real-time flight information and customer services at a simple press of a button.”

Isavia plans to launch this new service on March 22nd in conjunction with the launch of a new Isavia and Keflavik airport webpage.

source: Paul Brugger



Predictive Collaboration Platform for brilliant airport operations

Introducing Veovo, the Predictive Collaboration Platform for brilliant airport operations

Veovo combines BlipTrack, CA+ and Airport 20/20 solutions for guest predictability, outstanding operations, and revenue maximisation to transform airport ecosystems

(Auckland, New Zealand, February 14, 2018) – Gentrack Group (NZX/ASX: GTK), a leader in essential software for airports and utilities, today launched Veovo – a new brand for its airport group. Veovo combines the Airport 20/20 operations solution with the recently acquired BlipTrack guest predictability and Concessionaire Analyzer+ revenue maximisation solutions. This powerful fusion underpins Veovo’s Predictive Collaboration Platform, delivering data-driven certainty to transform the airport ecosystem.

Airports are under pressure to deliver memorable and repeatable experiences for increasing guest numbers while navigating highly variable daily operations. The rise of connected automation presents new opportunities, but many of these innovations operate in silos and do not work alongside existing technologies. The result: airport operators need a new paradigm to proactively manage their operations, resources, systems, service providers and guests. Veovo is at the heart of that transformation.

“Airports need to innovate aggressively to cope with increased passenger numbers and dynamically adjust for the matrix of daily variables. At the same time, to engage passengers, many airports are looking to transform their role from transit terminus to guest destination. Like many other value chains, Airports are now able to access big data innovations which can help them optimise their entire operation,” said Chris Warrington, General Manager of Veovo. “Veovo unlocks insights across the airport ecosystem – predicting the best path forward and quickly connecting all stakeholders and resources to respond brilliantly – no matter the situation.”

Today, the Veovo platform is used by more than 110 airports and their stakeholders to plan, predict and perfect every interaction. As well as delivering value to other transport hubs, Veovo software is also proven to deliver brilliant theme park, resort, and retail guest experiences.

To find out more visit the Veovo website, which launched today.

Veovo is a predictive collaboration platform that enables over 110 airports to plan, predict, and perfect the airport ecosystem. The result: brilliant guest, operational, and commercial decisions. The Gentrack airport group, Veovo is headquartered in New Zealand with offices in the UK, USA, Denmark and Malta. Take off at