Baggage : Real time bag tracking

Let’s make baggage smarter, with real-time bag tracking

Smarter baggage will continue to improve the travel experience and save money, with real-time bag tracking keeping passengers in the know,

Connected bags

Baggage mishandling saw a 61.3% reduction between 2007 and 2014, saving the air transport industry around US$18 billion and increasing passenger confidence.

Given technology’s role in these achievements, it’s no wonder that investment in baggage systems automation and processes remains high on the agenda.

In addition to delivering savings, these investments are making a massive difference to the reliability and speed of baggage delivery.

As traveler numbers increase – with 3.3 billion passengers enplaned in 2014 –the industry’s continued sharp focus on smarter baggage is

imperative (see the box below: ‘Smarter bag trends’).


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