Heads up, travelers: Here’s how COVID-19 is impacting RDU operations

Heads up, travelers: Here’s how COVID-19 is impacting RDU operations

Michael Landguth

by Michael Landguth, RDU International Airport CEO — April 18, 2020 .

Editor’s note: Michael Landguth is president and CEO of Raleigh Durham International Airport. Since so many TechWire readers are business travelers, we are reprinting this blog from the RDU Insider at RDU.com as a service.

MORRISVILLE – The global health pandemic has disrupted our normal routines and impacted nearly every aspect of daily life, including who we can see and where we can go. We all face these challenges together to slow the spread of the virus.

RDU’s parking decks and terminals are nearly empty as public health officials discourage discretionary travel and remind people to stay at home. We look forward to the day travel restrictions are lifted and passengers return to RDU to visit the loved ones and destinations they’ve been yearning to see.

When coronavirus first appeared, RDU quickly responded to protect the health and safety of everyone at the airport. We created a coronavirus information webpage on RDU.com and launched an educational campaign to build awareness of personal hygiene practices and social distancing guidance to reduce of the spread of the virus.

We have increased cleaning and sanitation procedures throughout the airport campus. Hands-free hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the terminals and each shuttle bus is equipped with a hand sanitizing unit. We continue to explore measures to protect our guests, employees, business partners and contractors from potential exposure to COVID-19.

If you visit the airport, you will notice all guests are directed to park in the deck located between Terminals 1 and 2. We have temporarily closed all remote lots – Economy 3, Economy 4 and Express – because of low occupancy rates.

The daily maximum rate for Central is discounted to $10/day. Existing online bookings have been upgraded at no additional cost and are valid for entry to Central.

Beginning April 22, we are discontinuing shuttle service to the Express and Economy lots. Guests parked in a remote parking lot after April 22 should call (919) 840-7587 to request transportation to their vehicle.

ParkRDU fee collection is now automated to reduce potential exposure to COVID-19. Cash is only accepted at pay-on-foot stations located at entry points to the deck.

RDU is a critical part of the national infrastructure that allows for the movement of emergency supplies and personnel, as well as other cargo. We will continue to operate throughout the stay-at-home orders.

As always, if you have upcoming travel plans, we encourage you to check with your airline before coming to the airport. You can find airline contact information and the latest airport updates on RDU.com.

We wish you and your loved ones good health during these challenging times, and we’ll be here when you’re ready to fly.

source : https://www.wraltechwire.com/2020/04/18/heads-up-travelers-heres-how-covid-19-is-impacting-rdu-operations/

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