COVID-19 airport crisis management strategies (15 April – 23 April)

Helsinki Airport centralises operations in Terminal 2 during COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on air traffic in Finland. In March 2020, Helsinki Airport’s passenger numbers were down 57.2% compared with the same period last year. Now in April, the airport serves only about 1,000 passengers per day, and the number keeps falling. 

Ulla Lettijeff, Director, Helsinki Airport, and SVP Finavia Corporation, talks crisis management with’s fantastic sister publication, ACI Europe It’s available here.

Budapest on COVID-19 crisis management “Act swiftly, check the trends, be bold but be calm”

With 495,000 passengers in March versus almost 1.2 million in the previous March, Budapest Airport, like most others, had a problem. Of course, this continues.  “No one has been through anything like this and if we panic, then we fail our people and stakeholders. Act swiftly, check the trends of the virus, be bold but be calm, because this will pass,” said Kam Jandu, Chief Commercial Officer, Budapest Airport, to our sister publication, ACI Europe See this excellent and helpful article with tips and tricks that could benefit your organisation.

Frankfurt responds to COVID-19 with defined procedures and major cost-reductions

Before any crisis happens, the first important step is to be prepared. “In Frankfurt, we could build on our experience with former epidemics such as SARS, Ebola, the swine flu – as well as other crisis situations. We have continuously improved and trained our defined procedures over the years,” said Robert Payne, Fraport international spokesman.

See what else Frankfurt Airport is doing that could benefit your airport in this excellent interview with’s sister publication, ACI Europe’s 

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