GLAdys – named after the airport’s international code –
will entertain passengers in the departure area over Christmas with songs, dancing and stories.
Glasgow Airport has unveiled its newest member of staff – a singing and dancing humanoid robot.
GLAdys – named after the airport’s international code – will entertain passengers in the departure area over Christmas with songs, dancing and stories.
The first to be introduced at a UK airport, GLAdys is part of a trial which could eventually see more robots used to interact and help direct passengers around the airport.

The 4ft humanoid was dressed in a Santa outfit and has been programmed to sing and dance to Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Rocking around the Christmas Tree and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, as the airport prepares for Christmas.
It is the latest development in the airport’s digital passenger experience project, designed to explore how customer engagement can be enhanced through digital technology.

Operations director Mark Johnston said: “We’re always looking to improve the customer experience at Glasgow and this is a new and innovative way of introducing a bit of fun to the airport.
“GLAdys does a number of things; she can sing Christmas carols, she can tell stories for the kids and can also take selfies and send them to on to your email address, so it’s a bit of interactive fun before Christmas.”
The robot is being escorted by Glasgow Airport’s ambassador staff who deal with customer service.

Ambassador Brian Thomson said: “My new colleague GLAdys is for entertainment really so far. She’s going to be here air-side so when kids come through the airport it will be a bit of fun for them.
“Just now she’s the only one but who knows, in years to come maybe there will be more to interact with passengers and maybe even help them with check-in.
“People can come in a bit stressed, maybe not knowing what desk they are to go to, so maybe the likes of GLAdys could help guide them through to where they are going on holiday.”
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