BRS : how can airports invest and benefit in BRS ?

So how can airports, including small region airports, invest and benefit in BRS?

According to IATA, the aviation industry wastes $2.4bn per year through the impacts of mishandled bags, and a new IATA Resolution due in 2018 will place an onus on airlines to share baggage data to allow the whole bag journey to be tracked.  But unless this data is generated electronically, sharing is difficult.

A Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) can facilitate data sharing, improve the passenger experience and satisfy all regulatory requirements.  But can a BRS be purchased without significant capital expenditure, particularly by smaller, regional airports?

There is a direct correlation between passenger satisfaction and a good baggage handling, but BRS, despite being a well-established technology, is still associated with larger airports and airlines.  This is because the purchase of a BRS is perceived to be complex and expensive and the implementation and integration thought to be difficult and challenging.  But over 20-years since the first BRS, the standardisation of messages and cloud-based applications, nothing could be further from the truth.  With mission critical applications now being delivered as a ‘software as a service’ (SaaS), procurement of a BRS can acquired through the airport’s operational expenditure rather than a significant CAPEX investment.

The airport common-use BRS is also becoming the norm with the last three major European tenders for BRS being issued by airport authorities.  All of these tenders asked for a cloud-based option.

So how can airports, including small region airports, invest and benefit in BRS?

Luggage Logistics, an active member of the IATA Baggage Working Group, has developed a cloud-based BRS which can be implemented at any airport that would like to offer electronic reconciliation to its customers, but without having to make major capital investment and long-term contractual commitments.

Load&Track, Luggage Logistics baggage reconciliation system is a mature product being used by international airports, airlines and ground handlers around the world, and the company recently delivered a strategic Baggage Management System (BMS) for a major Middle East carrier which now means our products and services are offered at over 100 airports throughout their network alone.  We’ve also been awarded the contract to deliver the latest large airport BRS in Europe, extending our European and Global presence.

Our innovative airport ‘common-use BRS’ requires no major capital investment and can assist in compliance of IATA’s Resolution 753.

The system can be implemented quickly and contractual terms can be flexible to suit the airport.  The majority of IATA airlines are keen to utilise available baggage data, particularly where departing flights are heading to a major transfer hub, so the take up of airlines should be strong.  IATA has offered to support the system by advising their members of the benefits, particularly in connection with their obligations under Resolution 753 and has offered to observe an implementation as a proof of concept for 753 compliance.


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