Mandatory Face Masks And More: Canadian Airlines Introduce New Coronavirus Travel Safety Measures

Sandra MacGregor
Sandra MacGregorContributorTravel

TORONTO, April 20, 2020 – New face covering requirements are seen on a screen during the COVID-19 … [+]Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images

Though airlines across the world have radically reduced operations due to the coronavirus, some people still have to fly for a variety of reasons. To protect passengers and crew as much as possible from the transmission of COVID-19, carriers have instituted numerous safety measures. Here’s a look at what Canada’s major airlines are doing to help stop the spread of the coronavirus during flights.

Travelers wearing protective gears wait to check in at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, … [+] Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images

In response to a directive from Transport Canada, Air Canada has made masks mandatory. This requirement applies to passengers at specified areas in Canadian airports, during the boarding process and during the flight. Travelers must prove they have a suitable face covering prior to boarding. Acceptable masks include a cloth mask, scarf or similar item. See the Public Health Agency of Canada website for more info.

Air Canada notes that it has implemented physical distancing practices wherever possible and is seating passengers as far apart as possible. The airline is also encouraging customers to check-in online or via the Air Canada app rather than at the airport in order to minimize social contact at airport check-in areas.

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