Rockwell Collins Feature Self BagDrop at the Dubai Airport Show

This week saw an impressive turnout at the Dubai Airport Show as airports representatives and operators attended to address some of the pressures they are facing to adopt new airport technologies and systems to cope with rising passenger demand and increasing mandatory security measures.

Farnborough International News Network’s Alan Peaford took a tour of the show, which housed 300 exhibitors from 60 countries showcasing the latest innovations in:

  • Biometrics
  • Ground handling solutions and safety enhancements
  • Baggage handling systems and technology
  • Airport security
  • Airport management solutions, including dynamic gate and aircraft management
  • Airport communications systems
  • Airport passenger transportation
  • And much more.

Rockwell Collins’ Global Products Manager, Robin Springer, caught up with Alan Peaford, FINN’s editor-in-chief, to talk about the company’s SelfDrop baggage handling solution and to demonstrate its biometric facial recognition technology.

‘Rockwell Collins is working towards providing a biometric solution for the end-to-end journey for the passenger through the airport,’ said Springer, ‘all the way from BagDrop to security and then to boarding.’

About ARINC SelfDrop

Rockwell Collins’ ARINC SelfDrop is the world’s first contactless, self-service bag drop with biometric validation, offering airport operators a chance to increase passenger experience, while seamlessly maintaining security and increasing passenger flow.

Using the one- or two-step technology, passengers are given greater control, and are able to check-in and handle their own luggage, at a comprehensive self-service kiosk that will enable them to scan boarding passes and attach their own tags, enrol a biometric identity and drop off the baggage in one process.

Springer demonstrated the innovative use of biometric facial recognition technology:

  • First enrol the biometrics and use the passport to check the e-chip image to enrol the passenger’s face and confirm it is the correct passenger dropping the baggage.
  • Once the facial image is enrolled in the biometrics database, it can be used at each touch point through the airport, such as security, at unmanned VIP lounges or at the boarding gate.

With options for both dedicated and common-use, Self Bag Drop is delivering true, next-generation bag drop technology to enhance revenue and lower costs for airports and airlines.

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